The beginning of a journey to reach dreams…
Okay, maybe to make them more achievable.
The dream of creating games. A dream that many people have. A dream, that not everyone can reach. A dream which requires a lot of effort and time from you. Whatever there might be, I want to make that dream of mine come true. Games are a great part of my life and helped me in making hard times easy, enjoyable or got other thoughts in my head.
Games have had such an impact to me and my life in the past that I set the goal of creating games by myself in the future.
A bit of a short backstory:
I wanted to create games, but had no clue how. At first, I was searching and reading around which game engine would be a good one to start with. After some reading, Unity seemed to be a great choice. Installed it at home, opened it… and had no idea what I should do and what Unity actually was and how it was used. Looked a bit around the internet, read documentations, and then it worked.
Then, I searched for some online courses and found courses from Jonathan Weinberger from GameDevHQ.
Quite some time has passed since then. I have a but of Unity and C# experience now and can create some small game parts. But that certainly is not enough to call myself a game developer. And having my dream game in my head, it definitely is not enough to build that yet.
This journey will document the progress of my journey with the Professional Unity Developer program of GameDevHQ.
Thank you for joining me! :)
And to start this the proper way:
Debug.Log(“Hello World!”);